Yukon’s CMOH has advised that:
👉🏼 Currently, 10 KDFN Citizens have active cases of COVID-19.
👉🏼 They’re all isolating and are expected to recover over the weekend.
👉🏼 None are in the hospital.
👉🏼 Since the outbreak began 12 KDFN Citizens in total have had COVID-19. (Two have recovered.)
👉🏼 11 of the total 12 were not vaccinated. The other one had only one dose of vaccine.
📣We encourage everyone to do what they can to keep themselves and the people around them safe.
👍🏼 Get vaccinated as this virus is spreading through unvaccinated people. (1-877-374-0425 or https://yukon.ca/this-is-our-shot)
👍🏼 Follow the Safe 6 + 1.
👍🏼 Self-isolate and get a COVID-19 test if you have symptoms (phone 867-668-7289).
👍🏼 Be kind and support each other.
And remember to reach out for help if you need it. KDFN’s Natsékhi Kų̀ Health Centre is there to answer questions or offer support to Citizens at 867-668-7289.