What is the Yukon First Nation School Board?

KDFN is hosting two online info sessions delivered by Tosh Southwick of IRP consulting. We’ll talk about what it is, what it’s not, and explore some common questions. Both sessions will be the same. They will be online only. SESSION 1: Thursday, October 7, 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. LOGIN LINK: https://zoom.us/j/99019123592 SESSION 2: Wednesday,…

From background extra to the big screen

KDFN Citizen Kiri Geen builds a career in Hollywood North By Skyler Isaac with files from Olivia Gatensby Photos courtesy of Luka Cyprian KDFN Citizen Kiri Geen says she got her first job in the film industry almost by accident. A friend was casting background extras—the people you see walking behind the main characters in…