With extremely high numbers of COVID-19 cases in the Yukon and “widespread community transmission” in Whitehorse, there is a high risk of getting sick.
We are concerned about the health and safety of the Citizens, staff and KDFN community. Many more cases are expected in the next few weeks and we are concerned that Yukon’s health care services may become overwhelmed.
Now is the time to be cautious, to follow the guidance outlined below, and to take care of each other. It is the best thing we can do to stay safe and healthy.
Please take good care. Shä̀w níthän, gùnáłchîsh, mähsi’cho, thank you.
KDFN Council

KDFN takes the health and safety of Citizens, staff and the community very seriously. So, we’ve put measures in place immediately, including:
– Offices remain closed to the public (as before).
– Masks covering your mouth and nose are mandatory (as before).
– Increased cleaning and screening protocols are in place.
– Non-essential programs and services, and drop-ins are suspended.
– Clients accessing essential services, such as the Health Centre, will be screened and must wear a mask at all times.
– Staff cannot give rides for non-essential purposes.
– Entry into homes for non-essential purposes is suspended.
– Tutoring and education programs are suspended.
And, other measures that will affect other programs and services.

– Masks are mandatory indoors; and outdoors where you cannot physically distance.
– Personal gathering limit: 10 people from 2 households IF all are FULLY VACCINATED
– Organized event limits: 25 indoors, if all are fully vaccinated
– You need to show proof that you’re fully vaccinated for table service at bars and restaurants.
– Travel, even between Yukon communities, should be avoided.
These and other regulations will be enforced through Yukon’s Civil Emergency Measures Act as of November 13.
Read the full guidance at www.yukon.ca
If you have health questions, call KDFN’s COVID-19 line at 867-335-5051 during work hours, or Yukon’s Health Line at 811 anytime.