Ä́tsųą äni, or grandma says, played during Language Celebration!
On June 14, 2023, KDFN hosted a language celebration at the McIntyre Community ball field.
Attendees were treated to a BBQ, took part in a scavenger hunt, and played games in Indigenous languages.
KDFN Citizen Äyínzhia (Cory Holway), alongside Shä̀wkwälità (Nathan Easterson-Moore) from Kluane First Nation led a game of Ä́tsųą äni, or grandma says. Some may know the game by another name, Simon says.
And, shout out to Äyínzhia and Shä̀wkwälità for graduating from the Indigenous Language Proficiency program from Simon Fraser University, through the Yukon Native Language Centre, on June 9.