Here’s KDFN Youth Councillor Natilee Thompson with an important message about Chinook salmon.
We are asking all KDFN Citizens and Beneficiaries not to harvest Chinook Salmon in the Yukon River or its tributaries.
This year’s salmon numbers are still well below the historical average.
As of August 23, only 58 salmon have been counted at the Whitehorse Fish Ladder. As of August 22, 258 salmon have been counted at the Takhini Sonar.
Preserving our salmon population means all salmon must reach their spawning grounds. Now more than ever, all Yukon First Nations need to prioritize salmon passage.
We need to put salmon first! Our future generations and most importantly, our salmon relatives, need us to give them a safe passage home.
Please help preserve Chinook salmon and do your part to improve the salmon population for future generations.
Shä̀w níthän, gunalcheésh, másin cho, and thank you for your support.