Join us for family ice fishing day!

Hey KDFN! Join us for family ice fishing day!   Saturday, April 27, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Łu Zil Män (Fish Lake).   Dress for the weather and bring your favourite ice fishing chair.   Food provided. Transportation is available, though there are limited spots.   To register email

Construction notice

New homes in McIntyre 22 housing units will be built in McIntyre this construction season. Work will start between late April and early May. Tree clearing has started and is set to be complete by May 1. Homes being built include: 6 duplex units on Murphy Road 4 single detached houses on Macauley Road 3…

Whitehorse Water-Use Relicensing Project

Ntl’eo shäwkwathan. Good morning KDFN! Share your thoughts on the Whitehorse Water-Use Relicensing Project! You can submit your comments to the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board (YESAB). Follow this link and click “Add a comment”-…/7ba99e38-32c6-495a…/activity The deadline to submit your comment is Tuesday, April 30. If you need help with your comment, please…