Bear sighted

Heads up KDFN! We’ve heard of a bear sighting on Hamilton Blvd. near Lobird. Please stay alert and stay safe! Conservation officers have been notified and are aware. To report a wildlife sighting, phone 1-800-661-0525.

Work is underway

Hello KDFN, We would like to inform you that we are working with a contractor, Northern Construction, to stop the bank erosion at the Marsh Lake Cemetery. Work is underway, and should be complete by June 15. This work includes some tree removal along the bank, filling in the undercut areas, placing a geotextile fabric…

KDFN Women’s Group

KDFN women, Come to the weekly KDFN women’s group – focused on connection, culture, peer support and living in a good way! Wednesdays, 5 to 8 p.m., 405 Ogilvie street. For more info or to arrange rides, contact Jackie: 867-332-5040 or Renee: 867-332-4439.

Men’s Gathering

Hey KDFN! Join us every Thursday for a men’s gathering. 5 to 8 p.m. at 405 Ogilvie St. Hang out, eat good food, and join in on a crib tournament for a chance to win prizes! For more info, phone Charles at 867-332-6847 or Julien at 867-332-4687.