EOI: Firewood Service Needed

Kwanlin Dün First Nation is seeking individuals and businesses interested in joining a call list in to provide wood to KDFN Citizens on a regular basis throughout the year. Wood is delivered directly to homes as we do not have on-site storage. To be considered, you must: -have your own transportation; -have your own tools;…

Full COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic

KDFN’s Health and Wellness team is offering a full COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic in McIntyre. Vaccinations will only be given to people age 18 or older. WHEN: Saturday, November 20, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. WHERE: Nàkwät’à Kų̀ Potlatch House on McIntyre Drive First doses will be available for: KDFN Citizens and members of their households…

SPIN Surveys

Over the summer KDFN partnered with YG to study lake trout populations in Fish Lake Łu Zil Män. The survey showed comparatively high populations of healthy fish. Photos: Brandy Mayes, KDFN Lands Operation Manager, Lars Jessup, Regional Biologist for Southern Lakes with Yukon and Kenji Tatsumi Yukon Fisheries Technician out on Fish Lake Łu Zil…

Porter Creek Land Lottery Results

Thank you to all 30 applicants who entered the Porter Creek Land Lottery. The five winners are identified below in the Lottery Award Sheet.   The Heritage, Lands & Resource Office will contact all successful applicants to arrange the next steps. Unsuccessful applicants can pick up their deposits at the Lands office. Any deposits not picked up…