On my journey to becoming a nurse

Roxanne Dobbs is a KDFN citizen that pursued her goal of becoming a nurse. She took upgrading courses at Georgian College to earn the certification required for the nursing program. Here’s her story in her own words: School took a lot of dedication. It has been one of the most challenging times in my life…

Jackson Lake Women’s Land-Based Healing Program

Applications are open for KDFN’s Jackson Lake Women’s Land-Based Healing Program. This camp focuses on trauma recovery and empowerment. The camp is person-centred and honours traditional and clinical approaches to healing through the use of cultural activities, ceremonies, and traditional teachings. We offer daily group sessions and weekly confidential professional one-on-one counselling opportunities. This program…

Deadline to apply for post-secondary funding

March 15 is your final deadline to apply for financial assistance for the Spring/Summer 2021 post-secondary semester. If you know you need post-secondary education but aren’t sure what course of study to follow, please contact staff at Kenädän Ku to talk about your options. There are many resources available, and staff at Kenädän Ku can…

A Message About bullying

A message about bullying by Dianne Smith   In our First Nation way, we do not bully any person. We are taught to be careful of how we talk to people, friends, and family. The words we use can hurt others. Elders teachings say that we need to be careful of how we treat or…

Employment Readiness Bootcamp

A series of employment readiness courses are coming up for KDFN citizens who are either unemployed or underemployed. If you are looking to build your skills in order to get a job, check out one of the many courses offered at the Health Centre coming up. To sign up, please contact Gayle Ball, Employment Support…