Youth Council meeting and movie night

Hey KDFN Youth ages 14 to 19! Join us for a Youth Council meeting and movie night! The meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 18 from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Multi-Purpose Building. You’ll be paid honorarium for showing up. Food and refreshments will be available. For rides, phone 867-332-3060.

Community Beading Nights FULL

Registration for community beading nights guided projects is full, but you can still bring your own project to work on every Thursday, 5 to 9 p.m., at the Multi-purpose Building. Ages 18+. If you would like to bring your own project, or to be put on the waitlist for guided projects, please phone Nadine at…

Firewood Service Needed

Kwanlin Dün First Nation is seeking individuals and businesses interested in joining a call list in to provide wood to KDFN Citizens on a regular basis throughout the year. Wood is delivered directly to homes as we do not have on-site storage. To be considered, you must: • have your own transportation; • have your…