Southern Tutchone Phrases – Week 2

Check out these Southern Tutchone Phrases of the week recorded by Pricilla Dawson! Turn on your sound to hear the pronunciations. -N-yinzhì dùye? What is your name? -Äyinzhì Pricilla ùye. My name is Pricilla -Uyinzhì dùye? What is his/her name? -Uyinzhì Chase ùye chʼe. His name is Chase Stay tuned for more phrases to learn,…

KDFN’s school supply bursary has increased

The amount of money you could get through KDFN’s school supply bursary has increased from $200 to $500. To be eligible, students must be a KDFN Citizen enrolled in kindergarten to grade 12. Applications for the bursary are open from August 1 to October 15, 2023. Find the application form at…/kindergarten-to-grade-12… Application forms can…

PHOTOS: Łu Zil Män On-the-Land Gathering

Shä̀w níthän, gùnáłchîsh, mähsi’cho, and thank you to everyone who took the time to join us at the Łu Zil Män (Fish Lake) On-the-Land Gathering on Saturday. Citizens, Elders and guests shared stories, laughter and meaningful campfire conversations about their experiences and connection to the Fish Lake area. It was great to see everyone! Check…

Movie Night

KDFN’s Pathways to Empowerment team is hosting a movie night, Wednesday, September 27, 6:30 p.m. at the Kenädän Kų̀ House of Learning. This event is for Pathways Participants age 19 and up, or anyone else from the community who wants to connect and learn about the program. Food and snacks will be provided. Doors open…

Get funding for work gear!

The ISET program is a federal fund that provides financial, educational and employment support to eligible KDFN Citizens who are unemployed or underemployed. You could be eligible if you’re: a KDFN Citizen; or unemployed or underemployed There is no age limit to access ISET funding, however: Individuals who are legally required to attend school (in…