Fishing Education and Ethics Development Online Course

Take this free course to demonstrate your angler stewardship and enhance your Yukon fishing skills. Learn about Yukon fishing regulations, fish ecology, First Nation perspectives and best practices in fish handling.  The course is delivered by the Kwanlin Dün First Nation with support from numerous partners. To register and take the course, go to…

Free shuttle bus for wildfire evacuees

There will be a free shuttle bus for wildfire evacuees that will travel between KDFN’s Nàkwät’à Kų̀ Potlatch House, the Canada Games Centre, and hotels in Whitehorse. The bus will continue on that loop throughout the day until 9 p.m. Shä̀w níthän, másin cho, gunałchÎsh, and thank you to the Government of Yukon for providing…

COVID-19 notice: Minto handgames

Heads up KDFN! We are aware of some people testing positive for COVID-19 after attending a handgames tournament in Minto this past weekend. If you were at the games, we encourage you to monitor for symptoms and test yourself. If symptoms develop, please stay home until you feel better and your fever has been gone…

Back to School BBQ August 17

Join us for a Back to School BBQ on August 17, 2023 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. The BBQ will take place outside of Dusk’a Head Start Family Learning Centre. Come learn how KDFN can support you on your education journey. Whether you’re just starting school or thinking about post secondary education, we have…