Yukon First Nations Procurement Policy

Hey KDFN! We have some info to pass on from the Government of Yukon. Did you know that you can use the Yukon First Nations Procurement Policy to create partnerships with other businesses? Apply to have your business listed on the Yukon First Nation Business Registry and unlock the benefits of the Yukon First Nations…

Elders’ Council Election

KDFN Elders, Please take note! The time for the Elders Council Meeting has been changed. (See the full Agenda below.) Starts at 5 p.m. on Friday, May 12, 2023 At the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre Longhouse or attend virtually online. Rides available. Please call Elaine Smarch at 867-689-1765. Please note! Due to ongoing email issues,…

Women’s Land-Based Healing Camp

SIGN UP NOW: Women’s Land-Based Healing Camp at Jackson Lake Camp dates: June 26, 2023 – July 31, 2023 Application deadline: May 26, 2023 For those that have completed a Jackson Lake Healing Camp or an addictions treatment program and on their path to long-term sobriety. Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Open…

Men’s Gatherings, every second Thursday

Hey KDFN! Join us every second Thursday starting May 4 for a Men’s Gathering. Gatherings will take place from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the firepit behind Nàkwät’à Kų̀ Potlatch House. Coffee, tea, and snacks provided. This is a safe place for men to connect with each other and learn traditional teachings. Questions? Contact…

What’s Youth Rec up to?

Hey KDFN! Check out this story from the Kwanlin Dän Ch’a newsletter. Printing of the latest newsletter has been delayed. For now, we’re releasing these stories online, and they’ll be hitting mailboxes later on this spring. The Youth Rec team had an exciting variety of programs and camps between October and January. We spent several…