KDFN COVID-19 Updates
- Find the most up-to-date case counts and COVID-19 guidance for Yukon at yukon.ca
- Questions? Phone KDFN’s dedicated COVID-19 and vaccination line at 867-335-5051
How to self-administer the Abbott Panbio Rapid Antigen Test
Video courtesy of One Yukon.
Updated Friday, March 18, 2022
Updated Monday, January 10, 2022
Updated Thursday, January 6, 2022
- Following the Safe 6,
- Wearing a mask,
- Limiting your contacts,
- Staying home when sick, and
- Getting vaccinated – that means all the shots available to you, including the booster.
Updated Wednesday, January 5, 2022

- 325 current active cases
- 66 new since yesterday
- 2 people are hospitalized. 1 is in the ICU.
- Many more cases are going unreported.
- This spread can have especially negative effects for people who:
- are not vaccinated;
- are older; or
- have chronic disease(s).

- People who are partially or fully vaccinated are getting Omicron because vaccination is not as effective with Omicron as it was with Delta.
- BUT when you are fully vaccinated (with a booster shot) you are:
- less likely to become infected;
- less likely to infect your contacts; and
- less likely to be hospitalized or need breathing support.
Updated Tuesday, January 4, 2022
→ COVID-19 case counts continue to rise quickly in the Yukon.
- There are currently 269 active cases
- 31 new cases have been identified since Monday morning.
- Test positivity rate is very high at 32%. This indicates there are many more positive cases going untested.
Cases are a mix of the Delta variant, which continues to circulate in the Yukon, and the Omicron variant.
→ Get a COVID-19 Test: If you have symptoms, self-isolate and get a COVID-19 test. Here’s how:
- Call KDFN’s COVID-19 info line at 867-335-5051 to book a test at the Natsékhi Kų̀ Health Centre after 1 p.m. today (Tuesday, Jan 4);
- Go to drive thru testing at 91628 Alaska Highway, in the Centennial Motors wash bay (across from the airport); or
- Phone the Whitehorse Testing Centre at 867-393-3083, or go to 49A Waterfront Place in Whitehorse. The centre is in the building beside the Motor Vehicles office, across the parking lot from Boston Pizza.
→ Yukon’s New Public Health Measures
Additional measures are being introduced to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and limit impacts on the Yukon’s health care system.
- Limits on indoor personal gatherings
- 10 people from a maximum of two households if all eligible people are vaccinated;
- household members only if any eligible people are unvaccinated.
- Limits on outdoor personal gatherings
- 25 people from a maximum of three households regardless of vaccination status.
- Limits on organized gatherings:
- proof of vaccination is required;
- indoor gatherings limited to 25 people or 50% of venue capacity, whichever is less;
- outdoor gatherings limited to 50 people.
- Restrictions on restaurants, bars and nightclubs:
- proof of vaccination required for table service;
- max six people per table;
- tables need to be spaced two metres (six feet) apart;
- no bar or counter eating or service;
- no moving between tables;
- no dancing.
- Restrictions on entertainment venues, including movie theatres, theatres and museums:
- proof of vaccination is required;
- limited to 25 people or 50% venue capacity, whichever is less.
- Restrictions on recreation and leisure sites, including gyms, fitness studios, sports facilities and arts studios:
- proof of vaccination is required;
- limited to 25 people or 50% of venue capacity, whichever is less.
- Recreational team sports:
- proof of vaccination is required;
- activities within cohort or teams only up to a limit of 25 people (e.g., practice, skills and drills); no games between teams.
- Out of territory travel for sporting events is not recommended.
- Limits on businesses and retail:
- maximum 50% capacity.
- Businesses are strongly recommended to have operational plans in place to limit close contact between people and keep their employees and customers safe.
- Restrictions on personal services establishments:
- proof of vaccination is required;
- limited to 25 people or 50% of venue, whichever is less.
- Restrictions on faith-based services:
- proof of vaccination is required;
- limited to 25 people or 50% of venue capacity, whichever is less.
- Public saunas and steam rooms or baths are not allowed to operate.
Yukoners are strongly encouraged to follow these new measures immediately and they will be enforced under the Civil Emergency Measures Act starting on January 7, 2022. https://yukon.ca/en/news/additional-public-health-measures-introduced-response-spread-omicron-variant-yukon
Stay safe, KDFN!
Updated Friday, December 17, 2021
Updated Wednesday, December 8, 2021
Here’s an update on COVID case counts in the Yukon and the Variants of Concern from the Yukon’s CMOH.
- 44 total active cases in the Yukon
- Average of 8 new cases a day
- Positivity rate is 9% – That means out of every 100 people they test, 9 test positive.
You can read the Yukon numbers at https://yukon.ca/en/case-counts-covid-19
The Omicron Variant has come to the Yukon
- 2 cases of the Omicron Variant have been identified in the Yukon
- Omicron cases are being more strongly contained than other variants to slow the spread.
- Omicron spreads more easily than the Delta Variant.
- They expect more Omicron cases, and it may become the primary variant in Canada
- Experts are still unsure about vaccine effectiveness against Omicron, and whether Omicron is causes more severe illness than other COVID-19 variants. More time is needed to figure this out.
The Delta Variant
- Delta is still the main variant circulating in the Yukon
- Community transmission of the Delta is still happening in Whitehorse – That means you can expect to be exposed to the Delta variant if you’re with many other people or out in a public place.
- Vaccines are effective against Delta
Protecting yourself and your family and friends
- Get vaccinated (Info on KDFN’s Full Vaccine Clinic)
- Follow the Safe 6 + 1
- Keep 6 feet between you and people outside your bubble
- If you choose to gather, keep gatherings small – 10 people from 2 households if everyone is fully vaccinated.
- Wash hands often
- Stay home when sick
- Self–isolate when required
- Limit travel
- Mask up
- Call the KDFN Natsékhi Kų̀ Health Centre COVID-19 info line if you have questions or need help.
Stay safe KDFN!
Updated Monday, December 6, 2021
KDFN is holding a Full Vaccine Clinic on Friday, December 10. Find information here.
Updated Friday, December 3, 2021
A Message from Council on KDFN’s Vaccine Requirement
Dear Citizens and KDFN Community Members,
We are reaching out today to explain why Council has made the difficult decision to require proof of vaccination for KDFN employees, and for people who access some programs and services through our Nation.
We’re doing this because we value our employees and our community, and we need everyone to stay as healthy as possible. This is about saving lives.
We are incredibly sad that KDFN has lost two Elders to this virus. We mourn with the families and friends of all the people we have lost. And, we wrap our arms around our community as we all grieve.
So far, Yukon First Nations have been more negatively affected by COVID-19 than other people in the Yukon. We need to stay vigilant. We know everyone is tired of COVID-19, but the virus does not care. It will look for opportunities to spread in unvaccinated populations.
If you’re unsure about getting vaccinated, please reach out to KDFN’s Natsékhi Kų̀ Health Centre with your questions. The nurses there are ready to help.
Shä̀w níthän, gùnáłchîsh, mähsi’cho and thank you for making choices to keep our families, Elders, youth, Citizens, and community safe.
With Warm Regards,
Chief Doris Bill and KDFN Council
Elder Councillor Judy Gingell and Councillors Jessie Dawson, Charlene Charlie, Charles Chief, Rosemary Waugh-Wilson, Jesse Ryder and Ray Sydney
Updated November 24, 2021
Notice to Citizens
I am reaching out to let Citizens know that some KDFN departments are short staffed due to the realities of COVID-19.
Employees are working to serve our community and dealing with other responsibilities. They may have COVID-19 symptoms and not be able to come to work, they may have to care for a child or loved one that has been directed to isolate, or they may be taking on additional work to make sure things get done.
There may be times that your phone call doesn’t get answered. Please leave a message or try again later.
Some of our staff are experiencing abuse in their service to Citizens. This behaviour is not tolerated at KDFN.
A friendly reminder that:
- All KDFN offices are closed to the public without an appointment.
- All non-critical programs and services to the public are suspended.
Thank you, everyone. We want this pandemic to end too, and until it does, we will continue to do our best within the restrictions.
Please be kind and take care of each other.
Warm regards,
Chief Doris Bill
Kwanlin Dün First Nation
Updated Wednesday, November 10, 2021
A Message from KDFN Council on Yukon’s State of Emergency
With high numbers of COVID-19 cases in the Yukon and “widespread community transmission” in Whitehorse, there is a high risk of getting sick.
We are concerned about the health and safety of the Citizens, staff and KDFN community. More cases are expected in the next few weeks and we are concerned that Yukon’s health care services may become overwhelmed.
Now is the time to be cautious, to follow the COVID-safe guidance, and to take care of each other. It is the best thing we can do to stay safe and healthy.
Please take good care. Shä̀ ä̀w níthän, gùnáłchîsh, mähsi’cho, thank you.
KDFN Council (Chief Doris Bill, Elder Councillor Judy Gingell, and Councillors Charlene Charlie, Charles Chief, Jessie Dawson, Ray Sydney,
Rosemary Wilson-Waugh, and Jesse Ryder)
Here at KDFN
- Offices remain closed to the public without an appointment (as before).
- Masks are mandatory (as before).
- High level of cleaning / screening protocol (as before).
- Non-essential programs/services suspended.
- Entry into homes for non-essential purposes is suspended.
- And other measures as required.
Things to know about Yukon’s State of Emergency Measures
- Masks are mandatory in public
- Personal gathering limits: 10 people from 2 households IF all are FULLY VACCINATED.
- Proof of vaccination required for services like bars, restaurants, sporting events, and concerts.
- Follow the Safe 6:
- Safe spacing.
- Wash hands.
- Stay home if sick.
- Self-isolate when required.
- Avoid crowds.
- Limit travel, even within the Yukon.
- Full list at yukon.ca All measures will be enforced as of Nov 13.
Do you have health questions?
KDFN’s COVID-19 line at 867-335-5051 (during work hours)
Yukon’s Health Line at 811 (anytime)
Updated Monday, November 15, 2021
KDFN’s Health and Wellness team is offering a full COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic in McIntyre.
Vaccinations will only be given to people age 18 or older.
WHEN: Saturday, November 20, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
WHERE: Nàkwät’à Kų̀ Potlatch House on McIntyre Drive
First doses will be available for:
- KDFN Citizens and members of their households who are 18+; and
- any KDFN employee 18+.
Second doses will be available for:
- KDFN Citizens and members of their households who are 18+; and
- any KDFN employee 18+.
Booster shots will be available for:
- KDFN Citizens and members of their households who are Indigenous and 18+.
PLEASE NOTE: At this point, booster shots are only available to:
- Yukoners 50+ through the Government of Yukon (book here)
- Yukon First Nations 18+ through KDFN’s Full Vaccine Clinic on Saturday, November 20.
So, the KDFN clinic can only offer it to populations and ages that it is currently offered to through YG by order of the Chief Medical officer of Health. And, they are prioritizing the doses to people who need them most.
TRANSPORTATION: Rides available within Whitehorse City limits. Must be pre-booked. Call 867-335-5051 to book a ride.
Snacks will be available. No appointment necessary. Just show up.
Please do not come to the clinic if you think you may have COVID-19 or if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19.
Call KDFN’s COVID information line if you have any questions 867-335-5051.
Updated: Tuesday, November 9, 2021
Message from KDFN Council: State of Emergency
New State of Emergency Measures:
- Masks are mandatory:
- Indoors; and
- Outdoors where you cannot physically distance.
- Personal gathering limit:
- 10 people from 2 households IF all are FULLY VACCINATED
- Organized event limits:
- 25 indoors, if all are fully vaccinated
- 50 outside
- Bars and restaurants:
- You need to show proof that you’re fully vaccinated for table service
- 6 people per table
- No moving between tables,
- No counter service
- No dancing
- Travel, even between Yukon communities, should be avoided.
These and other regulations will be enforced through Yukon’s Civil Emergency Measures Act as of November 13. Find out more at www.yukon.ca
Here at KDFN
KDFN takes the health and safety of Citizens, staff and the community very seriously.
So, we’ve put measures in place immediately, including:
Internal Workplace Measures:
- Offices remain closed to the public (as before).
- Masks covering your mouth and nose are mandatory (as before).
- Increased cleaning and screening protocols are in place.
- Staff who can work from home, should work from home.
- Meetings should be held over the phone or internet.
KDFN Programs and Services:
- Non-essential programs and services, and drop-ins are suspended.
- Clients accessing essential services, such as the Health Centre, will be screened and must wear a mask at all times.
- Staff cannot give rides for non-essential purposes.
- Entry into homes for non-essential purposes is suspended.
- Tutoring and education programs are suspended.
And, other measures that will affect other programs and services.
If you have health questions, call KDFN’s COVID-19 line at 867-335-5051 during work hours, or Yukon’s Health Line at 811 anytime.
Updated: Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Here is an update on our ever-changing COVID-19 situation. Case counts are rising again, so stay safe KDFN!!
- The Delta variant continues to spread in the Yukon.
- There are 64 active cases
- Positive cases have been identified at Elijah Smith Elementary School’s Grade 1/2 split class and Grades 5/6 split class. Read the letter with instructions for parents, guardians, students and staff.
Recommendations from Yukon’s CMOH
- Wear masks in indoor public spaces.
If you are NOT fully vaccinated:
- avoid non-essential services for 10 days after you travel outside the Yukon; and
- limit social gatherings to 6 people.
If you are fully vaccinated, limit social gatherings to 20 people indoors.
Proof of vaccination coming to the Yukon
As of November 30, 2021
- you’ll need proof of vaccination to access non-essential services and attend events in the Yukon; and
- all Yukon government employees and frontline health care workers will need to be fully vaccinated. This includes teachers and people who work in:
- hospitals;
- long-term care homes;
- medical clinics; and
- allied health care settings.
You can get your proof of vaccination here: https://yukon.ca/vaccine-proof
Book an appointment to get vaccinated here: https://yukon.ca/en/appointments#appointments-for-adults
- All staff should self-monitor for symptoms and stay home when sick.
- KDFN’s Natsékhi Kų̀ Health Centre is offering rapid COVID-19 testing.
- Offices remain closed to the public without an appointment.
- Masks must be worn in all KDFN buildings and workplaces.
Have health questions? Call KDFN’s COVID-19 Line: 867-335-5051 (M-F, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) or Yukon’s Health Line: 811, anytime
Updated: Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Updated: Tuesday, August 31, 2021
- 1 KDFN Citizen with COVID-19
- 21 active cases in the Yukon
Over the weekend, Yukon’s first COVID-19 case in a long-term care facility was reported in Copper Ridge Place.
Yukon’s vaccination rates
- 83% of Yukoners 18+ are fully vaccinated (2 shots)
- 71% of Yukoners aged 12 to 17 are fully vaccinated (2 shots)
The CMOH says we need to get to 90 – 95% of the total population
What about children under 12?
Children under 12 cannot be vaccinated against COVID-19. The best way to protect them is for all the adults in their life to get vaccinated.
- KDFN’s Natsékhi Kų̀ Health Centre is offering rapid COVID-19 testing.
- Offices are closed to the public without an appointment.
- Masks must be worn in all KDFN buildings and workplaces.
Updated: Friday, August 27, 2021
- 76 KDFN Citizens have had COVID-19 since June 1, 2021
- 3 KDFN Citizens currently have COVID-19
- 31 total active cases in the Yukon
Here at KDFN:
- Offices remain closed to the public without an appointment
- Masks are mandatory in KDFN buildings and workplaces
- KDFN is working to figure out how we can best move forward to host events, bring back and offer programs and deliver services safely.
- Ask your supervisor if you have questions about KDFN regulations
Do you have health questions?
- Phone KDFN’s COVID-19 line weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 867-334-5051
- Phone Yukon’s health line anytime at 811.
Updated: Wednesday, August 25, 2021
What’s happening in the Yukon?
- 36 active cases in the Yukon.
- The main driver of new cases is transmission between unvaccinated people.
- The Yukon government (YG) Civil State of Emergency will be lifted at midnight tonight. But measures under the Yukon’s Health and Safety Act still remain in place. This means:
- YG is moving from “regulations and enforcement” to “recommendations”.
- A full set of recommendations will be released tomorrow (Thursday) morning.
“This is not a licence to abandon all measures, but a call for each of us to act responsibly.” -Acting CMOH Catherine Elliott, August 25
What’s happening in other parts of Canada?
- 24,671 active cases in Canada as the Delta variant continues to spread.
- NWT is in an outbreak situation with 225 active cases.
- This week, BC announced it will require proof of vaccination to go to social and recreational places and events.
- Read about it here: https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2021HLTH0053-001659
- BC and Manitoba are bringing back mask requirements, so masks must be worn in all indoor public spaces.
What’s happening at KDFN?
- Offices remain closed to the public without an appointment.
- Masks are still mandatory in KDFN buildings and workplaces.
- KDFN is working to figure out how we can best move forward to host events, bring back and offer programs and deliver services safely.
- Ask your supervisor if you have questions about KDFN regulations.
Do you have health questions?
- Phone KDFN’s COVID-19 info line weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 867-335-5051
- Phone Yukon’s health line anytime at 811
Updated: Tuesday, August 24
Public exposure notification issued by the Government of Yukon
People may have been exposed to COVID-19 infection if they were on the following flight:
- Saturday, August 21, 2021
- Air North 4N702
- Edmonton to Whitehorse
- Departure: 10:05 a.m., arrival: 1:25 p.m.
This is a low-risk public notice. Anyone who was on this flight is asked to self-monitor for 14 days, through September 4. If symptoms appear, self-isolate, remain at home and arrange to get tested either by calling 867-393-3083 or booking a test online. Rural Yukon residents should contact their community health centre to arrange for testing.
Anyone on this flight who is not fully vaccinated should especially self-monitor for symptoms.
Updated: August 20, 2021
- 3 KDFN Citizens have active cases of COVID-19
- There are 50 total active cases currently in the Yukon
- 2 of these cases are the Delta variant (one is in hospital)
- There are no exposure notifications associated with these cases in the Yukon
YG just release a new COVID-19 document outlining its COVID-19 response: Forging Ahead: The Yukon’s Continuing Response to COVID-19 – document
What’s happening in the rest of Canada?
Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Theresa Tam says:
- a Fourth Wave of COVID-19 is underway in Canada
- it is driven by the Delta variant
- the majority of cases are in 20-39 year old age group
- The best protection against getting severely ill with COVID-19 is vaccination and following the Safe 6 + 1.
What’s happening at KDFN?
- Offices remain closed to the public without an appointment
- Masks are mandatory in KDFN buildings and workplaces
- KDFN is working to figure out how we can best move forward to host events, bring back and offer programs and deliver services safely.
- Ask your supervisor if you have questions about KDFN regulations
Do you have health questions?
- Phone KDFN’s COVID-19 line weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 867-334-5051
- Phone Yukon’s health line anytime at 811
Updated: August 5, 2021
COVID-19 case numbers:
- Current active KDFN Citizen cases: 6
- Total KDFN Citizen cases since June 1: 74
- Current active cases in Yukon: 53
Case counts are falling (yay!) and Yukon’s CMOH says we’re on the “long tail” of the outbreak.
But, if vaccination rates do not increase to 90%+ we have to be ready for “more significant outbreaks” as new variants, such as the Delta, come into the Yukon.
Get Tested: If you feel sick or have lost your sense of taste or smell, get tested. Call Natsékhi Kų̀ COVID info line at 867-335-5051 to book a test.
Vaccination Rates:
- 81% of Yukoners 18+ are fully vaccinated
- 64% of Yukoners 12-17 are fully vaccinated
Vaccine appointments: https://yukon.ca/en/appointments or phone 1-877-374-0425
Here at KDFN:
- Masking protocols are still in effect (Read the protocol here.)
- Offices remain closed to the public unless by appointment
- Continue to follow the Safe 6 + 1
- For health questions call Natsékhi Kų̀ COVID info line at 867-335-5051 during work hours or Yukon’s health info line at 811 anytime
- If you have questions about KDFN protocols or policies, please ask your supervisor.
Updated: Thursday, July 15, 2021
Updated: Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Updated: Friday, July 9, 2021
Updated: Monday, June 28, 2021
Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health has advised:
- 6 KDFN citizens have active cases of COVID-19.
- A total of 14 citizens have tested positive since the outbreak began. Since then, 8 have recovered.
We encourage everyone to do what they can to keep themselves and the people around them safe.
- Get vaccinated as this virus is spreading through unvaccinated people. (1-877-374-0425 or https://yukon.ca/this-is-our-shot)
- Follow the Safe 6 + 1.
- Self-isolate and get a COVID-19 test if you have symptoms (phone 867-668-7289).
And remember to reach out for help if you need it. KDFN’s Natsékhi Kų̀ Health Centre is there to answer questions or offer support to Citizens at 867-668-7289.
Updated: Friday, June 25, 2021
A message from Chief Doris Bill
A message from Chief Doris Bill as we continue to move through the COVID-19 outbreak in Whitehorse: It’s time to step up and do your part to keep the community safe! See the full text.
Updated Thursday, June 24, 2021:
KDFN COVID-19 update for Citizens – June 24, 2021
- Currently, 10 KDFN Citizens have active cases of COVID-19.
- They’re all isolating and are expected to recover over the weekend.
- None are in the hospital.
- Since the outbreak began 12 KDFN Citizens in total have had COVID-19. (Two have recovered.)
- 11 of the total 12 were not vaccinated. The other one had only one dose of vaccine.
- Get vaccinated as this virus is spreading through unvaccinated people. (1-877-374-0425 or https://yukon.ca/this-is-our-shot)
- Follow the Safe 6 + 1.
- Self-isolate and get a COVID-19 test if you have symptoms (phone 867-668-7289).
- Be kind and support each other.
Updated Wednesday, June 16, 2021:
Chief Bill’s Message to citizens about the COVID-19 outbreak. See full text.
KDFN COVID-19 Precautions – Updated June 15, 2021
On Sunday, June 13, the Yukon government’s Acting Chief Medical Officer of Health declared a COVID-19 outbreak in Whitehorse.
KDFN has updated its COVID-19 precautions appropriately. Click here for the current (as of June 15) pandemic guidelines for Citizens, staff and the KDFN government.
KDFN Council’s Emergency COVID-19 Directive #1 remains in place
On Tuesday, May 25, the Yukon government lifted the 14-day self-isolation requirement for fully-vaccinated Canadians coming into Yukon.
We remind everyone that the KDFN Council COVID-19 Emergency Directive is still in place over and above any decisions made by the Yukon government or the federal government.
This means you may not enter a KDFN workplace for 14 days:
- after travelling outside Yukon (with a few exceptions); or
- after having contact with a person who has travelled outside Yukon.
So, if you’re sharing a household with a person who has travelled outside Yukon or if you have visitors from outside Yukon, you must follow these guidelines:
- If there is a separate bathroom, cooking facilities and enough space to physical distance, then only the person who travelled must not enter KDFN buildings for 14 days.
- If there is a shared bathroom and cooking facilities, then EVERYONE in the household must not enter KDFN buildings for 14 days.
KDFN Council plans to revisit this directive in mid-June to decide how to proceed.
We thank all staff for their continued work in following the Safe 6 + 1, following all KDFN policies and directives, and helping to keep our community safe.
You can see the full directive for specific requirements here.
Joint Statement by Kwanlin Dün First Nation Chief Doris Bill and Ta’an Kwäch’än Council Chief Kristina Kane
April 12, 2021
Kwanlin Dün First Nation and Ta’an Kwäch’än Council confirm our full support of the Yukon Chief Medical Officer of Health’s mandate to keep Yukon’s border restrictions and self-isolation rules actively in place.
As COVID-19 variants are spreading quickly in other parts of Canada, our governments are concerned about increasing pressure on the Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) and Government of Yukon to ease restrictions and open our borders.
Evidence has shown that Indigenous people are one of the most vulnerable populations when it comes to COVID-19 infection and our Yukon First Nations could be greatly impacted if this virus is allowed to spread.
Some COVID-19 variants—such as P.1, first identified in Brazil, and B.1.1.7, first identified in the UK—have shown themselves to be more easily transmitted and more dangerous, especially to younger people.
Yukon has done well rolling out the vaccine, but we have yet to reach herd immunity levels and too little is known about how immunization will protect against this new P.1 variant.
We know Yukon’s health care infrastructure remains limited, with just 15 ventilators in the territory, and we realize there is a risk of overburdening our system. Other jurisdictions, such as BC, may not be able to help if they are dealing with their own cases. An influx of medical transfers from the Yukon may be too much for them to accommodate.
We all must work together to act in the best interest of public health. That means continuing to follow the Safe 6 + 1 protocols and to enforce the Civil Emergency Measures Act.
Shä̀w níthän, Gùnáłchîsh, Mähsi’cho, Thank you,
Chief Bill
“We will continue to stand by Yukoners, who have all worked very hard to keep our Territory safe. Because of this hard work, we’ve had a relatively low number of COVID-19 cases in Yukon. Now is not the time to open the Territory up to the Third Wave of COVID variants, which has the potential to be the deadliest part of the pandemic. We too look forward to the day when we can be together and hug our friends and family members. In the meantime, let’s keep supporting our local businesses, our essential workers, our Elders, our children, and each other.”
Chief Kane:
“Both Ta’an Kwäch’än Council and Kwanlin Dün First Nation see first-hand the impacts this pandemic has had on our communities. There is no doubt this virus has taken its toll on our economy and our well being, and we would like nothing more than to have everything return to normal. But we cannot ignore the science or the trends before us. We respect the Chief Medical Officer of Health’s decision to continue the restrictions at Yukon borders. It is because of these restrictions we have been able to protect our families, our neighbours, and our communities. We understand the frustrations many feel, but we need to continue to follow these guidelines. We encourage all Whitehorse residents and our neighbours to do the same.”
Do you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine? We have answers!
Updated: February 22, 2021
Yukon will have enough doses of the Moderna vaccine to immunize 75% of adult Yukoners. Here’s what you need to know:
How do you get the vaccine?
You must make an appointment to get vaccinated. Do this:
- Online at yukon.ca/this-is-our-shot
- By calling 1-877-374-0425
You must wait until your age slot opens in order to book your appointment.
What happens if you choose to not get the Moderna vaccine?
- At present, it’s not clear what the repercussions would be.
- It may mean that you would not be able to travel to certain places or you might have to wear a mask for a longer period of time than those who are vaccinated.
- Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health is involved in conversations with experts across Canada and around the world on this subject right now.
How does the vaccine work?
- It works by teaching our bodies to make antibodies for the COVID-19 virus. These antibodies help us fight the infection if the real virus does enter our body in the future.
- Specifically, it uses mRNA to instruct our cells to make a response to the “spike protein” that is found on COVID-19. mRNA technology has been used in vaccine development for more than 20 years. mRNA does not affect our own genetic DNA.
- The COVID-19 virus is not in the vaccine, so the vaccine cannot give you COVID-19.
How is the vaccine given?
- The vaccine is given by an injection into the muscle of the arm.
- You need to get 2 doses about 28 days apart.
How has the vaccine been developed and tested?
- Many scientists all over the world worked together to create this vaccine.
- Health Canada has approved the vaccine based on rigorous tests. They have made sure the Moderna vaccine is as safe, and as well tested as any other vaccine currently used.
- Thousands of people who took the vaccine in trials were monitored for at least two months after for possible side effects.
- Health Canada will continue to review all the available safety data as it becomes available.
Why should you get the vaccine?
- In order for the vaccine to work we need the majority of Yukoners – at least 75 percent – to take it. This is called “herd immunity”.
- So, by taking the vaccine you are not only protecting yourself, you’re also protecting your family and your community.
Who should NOT get the vaccine?
- People with any symptoms that could be due to COVID-19 should not go out to get vaccinated because they could spread the infection to others.
- People under 18.
- People who are allergic to polyethylene glycol (PEG)
- People who have had any other vaccine in the previous 14 days
If you are unsure whether you should get the vaccine, talk to your healthcare provider.
What are the side effects of taking the Moderna vaccine?
Studies show side effects are generally mild. These could include one or more of the following:
- pain, redness or swelling where the needle was given
- tiredness
- headache
- muscle pain
- joint pain
- nausea / vomiting
- chills
- fever
- enlarged lymph nodes (swollen glands) in the underarm
All of these symptoms are normal after any vaccine, and they are part of the body’s normal response in building immunity.
Allergic reactions can rarely occur after receiving a vaccine. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include hives (bumps on the skin that are often very itchy), swelling of your face, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing.
Clinic staff are prepared to manage an allergic reaction should it occur. This reaction would happen within minutes of getting a vaccine, which is why you are always asked to wait 15 minutes after any vaccine.
What do you do after you get your vaccine?
- You must continue to follow the Safe Six + 1 until the Chief Medical Officer of Health advises otherwise.
- Do not receive any other vaccines until you have received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccines and at least 28 days have passed after you receive your second dose.
- Keep your Moderna Vaccine record in a safe place to be able to refer to it when needed for your second dose.
About COVID-19:
COVID-19 is not the flu, and the yearly flu vaccine does not protect against COVID-19
COVID-19 is a virus that is passed through:
- droplets generated by coughing, sneezing, close talking or yelling.
- personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands.
You can also get it by touching something with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose or eyes.
Of people diagnosed with COVID-19 in Canada:
- about 1 in 13 (7%) require hospitalization,
- about 3 in 100 (3%) die.
Even people with mild symptoms may feel unwell for a long time after a COVID-19 infection.
Symptoms of COVID-19
- fever/chills;
- cough;
- shortness of breath;
- runny nose;
- sore throat;
- headache;
- loss of sense of taste
- or smell;
- headache;
- fatigue;
- loss of appetite;
- nausea and vomiting;
- diarrhea; and
- muscle aches.
What to do if you have COVID-19 symptoms
1) Stay home and self-isolate.
2) Use the self-assessment tool at yukon.ca, if possible.
3) Phone the Natsékhi Kų̀ Health Centre at (867) 668-7289, or after hours phone the Yukon line at 811 or (867) 393-3083.
4) Follow the advice you’re given.
This information is from staff at the Natsékhi Kų̀ Health Centre, Health Canada, and the Government of Yukon. If you have more questions about the vaccine you can call Natsékhi Kų̀ at (867) 668-7289.
KDFN’s Pandemic Plan
Updated Dec 11, 2020
This document will change as guidance from Council and Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health changes. See the document
KDFN Council Directive on Entering KDFN Buildings or Workplaces after travelling
Updated November 20, 2020
On November 18, Kwanlin Dün Council exercised its powers under its self-government agreement to put an emergency directive in place to keep KDFN Citizens and Staff safe.
These measures are in addition to and apart from any restrictions imposed by the Yukon Government.
You may not enter a KDFN workplace for 14 days:
- after travelling outside Yukon; or
- after having contact with a person who has travelled outside Yukon.
This means, if you’re sharing a household with other people who have travelled outside Yukon or if you have visitors from outside the Yukon, you must follow these guidelines:
- If there is a separate bathroom, cooking facilities and enough space to physical distance, then only the person who travelled must self-isolate and not enter KDFN buildings for 14 days.
- If there is a shared bathroom and cooking facilities, then EVERYONE in the household must self-isolate and not enter KDFN buildings for 14 days.
Please see the entire directive. These measures will be in place for 90 days or until rescinded by Kwanlin Dün Council.
If you have questions about this new regulation:
Call: 867- 867-633-7800 ext. 112
Email: Communications@kdfn.net
As we move through this pandemic, there may be additional directives issued or changes to existing protocols and procedures. Please ensure you are reading these as they come up and keeping up to date. Let’s keep ourselves, our families and our community safe.
KDFN Government Mask Protocol, Updated November 20, 2020
In response to the evolving COVID-19 situation in Whitehorse, the Kwanlin Dün government has adopted new protocol on wearing masks in the workplace and in KDFN buildings.
Please note that all KDFN buildings remain closed to the public, unless you have an appointment.
Effective immediately, you must wear a mask at all times when you are inside any KDFN workspace or KDFN building
For more details, read the full directive. If you have questions about this directive, you can phone (867) 633-7800, ext. 112 or email communications@kdfn.net
Thank you for your cooperation as we continue to ensure we are all safe. Now is the time to be vigilant about wearing a mask, washing our hands, using hand sanitizer and keeping at least 6 feet away from other people.
As we move through this pandemic, there may be additional directives issued or changes to existing protocols and procedures. Please ensure you are reading these as they come up and keeping up to date.
Let’s keep ourselves, our families and our community safe.
Yukon Government Self-Isolation Requirements, Updated November 19, 2020
As of November 20, 2020, EVERYONE other than critical services workers entering Yukon will be required to self-isolate for 14 days. Non-essential travel is not recommended.
All Kwanlin Dün office doors are locked and closed to the public. KDFN government operations continue during regular business hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Protocols are in place to ensure appropriate physical distancing among staff, citizens and clients.
Wherever possible, staff are working from home with phones call-forwarded. If you know the person or department you are trying to reach, please use the KDFN staff directory to find their contact information.
If you’re not sure what number to call, call the KDFN main phone 867-633-7800 ext. 0.
Learn about KDFN service delivery throughout the COVID-19 (coronavirus) global pandemic
Departmental contacts and updates
Administration: 867-633-7800 ext. 0
- All cheques will be mailed
- Mail can be dropped off in the mailbox beside the door
Community Services: 867-633-7833 ext. 0
- Open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Closed at lunch hour.
- Garbage pick-up, chimney cleaners, snow removal and water delivery services continue on regular schedule.
- All April 2020 rent payments for KDFN housing are waived (free). March 27 Order in Council – COVID-19 April Relief Measures
Education: 867-633-8422 ext. 0
- For employment, training or education help, staff are available by phone, email or internet appointments. Please call 867-633-8422 ext. 501
- Kenädän Kų̀ House of Learning is closed to the public without an appointment.
- The after school tutoring program has been postponed until further notice
- School COVID-19 Guidance for children under 6
- Updated guidance on staying home when sick
Income Support / Pathways (SA): 867-633-8422 ext. 0
- All Income Support / SA benefit cheques are being mailed. To update your mailing address, call 867-633-8422 ext. 0
- Income Support / SA applications and blank Client Report Cards (CRC) are available outside the front door of the House of Learning
- There is a secure mail box ready to accept your recent Atco bills, wood receipts and pay stubs
- If you have questions about your Income Support Benefits Services, phone 867-633-8422 ext. 0 and ask to talk to your Income Support Worker
- Counselling and crisis support – Government of Yukon
Finance/ Human Resources: 867-633-7800 ext. 0
- All regular finance operations continue
- All cheques will be mailed
- Job interviews continuing via either phone or video chat
Health: 867-668-7289
- To speak with a nurse, call 867-333-9550
- Natsékhi Kų̀ Health Centre Services Reduction Plan
- Coronvirus Information
- Non-insured Health Benefits Navigator: 867-334-5656
- Mental wellness or substance use counselling (Monday to Friday) : 867-456-3838
- Information about face masks
Heritage, Lands & Resources
- Most staff are working from home. Please contact who you need directly via email. Staff directory
- Land Stewards are assisting Community Safety Officers with community patrols: 867-332-9551
Justice: 867-334-1803
- Interim protocol during pandemic
- Community Safety Officers remain on patrol: 867-332-9551 **this is not a 24-hour phone line**
- KDFN Child & Family Liaison (Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.): 867-334-1803
- YG Child and Family Services team available by phone: 867-667-3002 **24-hour phone line**
- Youth Recreation programming cancelled until further notice
- RCMP non-emergency: 867-667-5555