Łu Zil Män (Fish Lake) Local Area Plan

Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) and the Government of Yukon (YG) are developing a local area plan for the Łu Zil Män (Fish Lake) area with support from Ta’an Kwäch’än Council.

Throughout the planning process, KDFN Citizens and Beneficiaries were asked to share their thoughts and ideas for the local area plan.

For more project information, please contact KDFN Community Engagement Planner Karee Vallevand by phone at 867-334-3569 or email Karee.Vallevand@kdfn.net.

Learn more about the planning process below.

A steering committee of 3 KDFN and 3 YG appointees was created to guide the planning process, with support from KDFN and YG planning staff. 

Kwanlin Dün First Nation appointees:

  • Jasmine Bill
  • Margaret McKay
  • Steven Shorty

Government of Yukon appointees:

  • Kathy Elliot
  • Jocelyne Leblanc

The steering committee created a  Łu Zil Män (Fish Lake) area summary report to help guide the planning process. Links to the summary report, the full background report and a project backgrounder are below. 

Łu Zil Män (Fish Lake) Local Area Summary Report 

Łu Zil Män (Fish Lake) Local Area Summary Report Backgrounder

Łu Zil Män (Fish Lake) Local Area Background Report 

Łu Zil Män (Fish Lake) Local Area Background Report Map Bundle

Łu Zil Män (Fish Lake) Local Area ArcGIS Map

In March 2020, Government of Yukon (YG) and Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to work jointly towards a local area plan for the Łu Zil Män (LZM) (Fish Lake) area. A Steering Committee comprised of three representatives of each government was appointed in Fall 2021 and began meeting in late 2021.

In Summer 2022, the governments initiated a two-month-long program of engagement intended to:

  • Ensure the public, KDFN citizens and stakeholders are informed about the planning process, opportunities to participate, and why their involvement matters.
  • Confirm the accuracy of information contained in the LZM summary background report and comprehensive background report.
  • Obtain additional information that may further the Committee’s understanding of current conditions, issues, and opportunities in the planning area.
  • Gather input from KDFN citizens, the public and stakeholders on the desired future state (vision) of LZM and what makes it special and important (values).
  • Reinforce KDFN’s and YG’s roles as stewards, leaders and listeners regarding LZM.After summer engagement concluded, YG and KDFN received a request from the Jackson Lake Community Association to provide comments in late 2022. The following report provides a summary of “What We Heard” in both Summer and Fall 2022.

Łu Zil Män Fish Lake What We Heard Report

In the context of a Local Area Plan, Vision, Values, and Guiding Principles can be defined as follows:

Vision is the preferred or ideal future that the plan sets out to achieve.

Values are the things that are most important to people about the planning area.

Guiding Principles provide direction on how land use decisions will be made, both during and after the planning process.

Łu Zil Män Fish Lake Vision Values Principles