Land use planning is a way to ensure that out land is used in an organized manner, and that it will meet the needs of KDFN people through the generations.
Heritage, Lands and Resources undertakes planning at different scales, and for different purposes. In some areas, we are planning for development, while in others, we are planning for conservation. Read more about our various initiatives below.
Kwanlin Dün First Nation has approximately 24 square kilometres of settlement land within the City of Whitehorse. These settlement lands were selected by KDFN as part of its 2005 Land Claim Agreements. Those KDFN settlement lands within or near the city limits of Whitehorse are referred to as Community Lands or “C” lands. KDFN is currently developing a plan to guide the planning and development of its Community Lands.
Based upon the KDFN Traditional Territory Land Vision, the KDFN Community Lands Plan provides a guiding framework for the development of all KDFN settlement land within Whitehorse. KDFN citizens provided input on the draft plan, more specifically, citizens identified which Community Land parcels are best suited for wildlife, heritage and community infrastructure. The input of KDFN citizens was central to development of the Community Lands Plan.
The department of Heritage, Lands and Resources organized a series of consultation events with KDFN citizens about the plan that took place in 2019. These events involved public meetings and workshops as well as Elders and youth events, small focus group discussions and individual one-on-one meetings.
Local Area Planning is a type of land use planning that guides how land can be used in communities around Whitehorse, such as Hotsprings Road, Ibex Valley and Mount Lorne. Local area plans help define a future vision for an area by designating lands to be set aside for residential, recreational, commercial and other uses.
Under Section 30 of KDFN’s Self-Government Agreement, KDFN negotiated the ability to be cooperatively involved in the preparation of local area plans within the Traditional Territory. Citizen involvement in the development of these plans is essential to ensure the plan reflects community values.
Current Projects
KDFN is working with Carcross Tagish First Nation and the Government of Yukon to conclude the Marsh Lake Local Area Plan.
KDFN and Yukon have agreed to develop a cooperative local area plan for Fish Lake.
Regional Land Use Planning is a type of land use planning undertaken under Chapter 11 of the KDFN Final Agreement. In comparison to local area plans, regional land use plans cover larger areas and focus on landscape-level issues such as land and resource management, rather than community growth and development.
Under Chapter 11, KDFN is assured a role in the development of regional land use plans throughout the Traditional Territory. Regional land use plans are a key mechanism for ensuring KDFN land-based interests are understood and addressed, before further land and resource dispositions occur or additional roads are built by the Yukon government.
The KDFN Final Agreement ensures KDFN involvement in a variety of resource planning and management processes (mineral development, gravel resources, forestry, water management, resource roads, etc.)
Current Projects
KDFN participated in the development of the Whitehorse and Southern Lakes Forest Resource Management Plan, along with Carcross Tagish First Nation, Ta’an Kwäch’än Council and the Yukon government. This plan provides direction to where timber harvest should occur and areas that should be left for wildlife and heritage values. The recommended plan is currently before the four governments for approval.
KDFN is participating on the Government of Yukon’s effort to create new minerals legislation and a Resource Roads Regulation.
KDFN Council has created a committee for the McIntyre, Crow & Swan Neighbourhood Plan. The committee will help develop the neighbourhood plan and lead community engagement.
For more project information, or to learn how you can participate, please contact Community Engagement Planner Karee Vallevand by phone: 867-334-3569 or email:
What is a neighbourhood plan?
A neighbourhood plan helps communities plan and develop the area where they live and work. It guides where new homes, shops, offices, and other development should be built, how green spaces should be protected, and identifies areas for recreation.
What area is being planned?
The focus of the plan is the McIntyre Subdivision and Crow and Swan streets.
Why is a plan needed?
The neighbourhoods are growing and need more housing and public service infrastructure. KDFN is developing a neighbourhood plan to help guide future development in the area.
What has happened so far?
The McIntyre, Crow & Swan Neighbourhood Planning Committee has held three workshops at Nàkwät’à Kų̀ Potlatch House, and a neighbourhood plan survey was mailed to all KDFN households and made available online. The input received is being put into a draft plan for the neighbourhoods. It will be reviewed by the committee and presented to the community for feedback.
Committee members
A committee for the McIntyre, Crow & Swan Neighbourhood Plan was created by KDFN Council. The committee will help develop the neighbourhood plan and lead community engagement.
Committee Members:
Cheyenne Bradley
Carissa Waugh
Dianne Smith
Katelyn Dawson
Hank Henry
McIntyre, Crow & Swan Neighbourhood Plan Survey
A neighbourhood plan survey was mailed to all KDFN households and made available online. The input received is being put into a draft plan for the neighbourhoods. It will be reviewed by the committee and presented to the community for feedback.
Poster contest
The committee invited KDFN Citizens and Beneficiaries to create a poster illustrating their vision for the future of McIntyre Subdivision and Crow and Swan Streets in July.
Congratulations to Rae Mombourquette who had the winning poster.
From left to right: The Kwanlin Taco Food Truck is serving bannock tacos. A woman looks over the menu with a dog on a leash. There are trash and recycling cans and seating everywhere. A bike path meanders over to the social fire pit overlooking the newly created stocked Kwanlin Lake. In the background you can see the lake front trail with benches and rock nodes.
Red sails create a weather shade over the outdoor stage. Cement amphitheatre provide seating areas and clean grass allows babies to play and dance in front of the stage. Standing tables let a pair of youth share nachos and soda while a dad walks his son to the public washrooms. There is seating everywhere. Dogs are on leashes, there is activity, and people fill the pathways. The space is safe and clean, full of activity and interest.
Things missing: lighting, dog poop bag stations, a coffee station, and people fishing in the lake.
Rae envisions this in the area across from where the ball diamonds will go, from Murphy to Hanna.
Next steps
Consultation on the neighbourhood plan is ongoing. Once completed, the draft plan will be reviewed by the McIntyre, Crow & Swan Neighbourhood Planning Committee and presented to the community for feedback.
KDFN and the Yukon government have completed a plan for a new neighbourhood on Range Point.
The area includes:
KDFN Settlement Land parcel C-15B (14.85 hectares); and
YG’s Lot 262-6 (3.6 hectares).
Started in 2020, the plan was created with input from KDFN Beneficiaries and Citizens, Range Point residents, governments, and the general public.
During land claims, C-15 was selected to help KDFN make money to provide programs and services to Beneficiaries and Citizens.
The Range Point neighbourhood will include approximately 390 units through a mix of different housing types. It will also feature a central park, internal paths, and access to nearby green spaces.
As with all KDFN residential developments, KDFN Citizens will get a preferential opportunity to purchase on the Settlement Land parcel.
Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) and the Government of Yukon (YG) are developing a local area plan for the Łu Zil Män (Fish Lake) area with support from Ta’an Kwäch’än Council.
Throughout the planning process, KDFN Citizens and Beneficiaries were asked to share their thoughts and ideas for the local area plan.
For more project information, please contact KDFN Community Engagement Planner Karee Vallevand by phone at 867-334-3569 or email
Learn more about the planning process below.
Steering Committee
A steering committee of 3 KDFN and 3 YG appointees was created to guide the planning process, with support from KDFN and YG planning staff.
Kwanlin Dün First Nation appointees:
Jasmine Bill
Margaret McKay
Steven Shorty
Government of Yukon appointees:
Kathy Elliot
Jocelyne Leblanc
Summary Report
The steering committee created a Łu Zil Män (Fish Lake) area summary report to help guide the planning process. Links to the summary report, the full background report and a project backgrounder are below.
In March 2020, Government of Yukon (YG) and Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to work jointly towards a local area plan for the Łu Zil Män (LZM) (Fish Lake) area. A Steering Committee comprised of three representatives of each government was appointed in Fall 2021 and began meeting in late 2021.
In Summer 2022, the governments initiated a two-month-long program of engagement intended to:
Ensure the public, KDFN Citizens and stakeholders are informed about the planning process, opportunities to participate, and why their involvement matters.
Confirm the accuracy of information contained in the LZM summary background report and comprehensive background report.
Obtain additional information that may further the Committee’s understanding of current conditions, issues, and opportunities in the planning area.
Gather input from KDFN citizens, the public and stakeholders on the desired future state (vision) of LZM and what makes it special and important (values).
Reinforce KDFN’s and YG’s roles as stewards, leaders and listeners regarding LZM.After summer engagement concluded, YG and KDFN received a request from the Jackson Lake Community Association to provide comments in late 2022. The following report provides a summary of “What We Heard” in both Summer and Fall 2022.
The City of Whitehorse is proposing a Master Plan for Valleyview South. HLR participated in drafting this plan with input from KDFN Citizens.
The area is known as the “tank farm,” and includes two KDFN settlement parcels on either side of Sumanik Drive, 5 hectares each. The new neighbourhood will be close to McIntyre Subdivision.
The plan will be presented to City Council in March 2024. There will be a public input session in April.
To read the master plan, visit the City’s website.
Concept Plan
Click here for a larger version of the concept map
Plan Highlights
KDFN parcels are designated for mixed commercial and residential development and could be the site of a small commercial area.
A new entrance to the neighbourhood will be at McIntyre Drive and Hamilton Blvd.
Other entrances will be off the Alaska Highway, and at the CGC traffic light.
The neighbourhood will have a mix of high, medium, and low density housing for approximately 4500 people.
There will be a network of green spaces for active transportation and parks.
Citizen Engagement
HLR asked KDFN citizens what they thought of the planning area and the KDFN parcels in November and December 2022, and in June 2023.
If you have opinions on the plan, you should contact the City of Whitehorse directly using the email on their engagement page, or by participating in the public input session.
KDFN is participating in a master plan for parcel C-86B. This parcel is designated for revenue purposes within a larger area called Ice Lake Road. The plan is being completed in partnership with the City of Whitehorse and the other major landowner in the area, the Yukon government. More information is located on the City’s planning page.