Public Comment on Lands Applications

All land applications made to Kwanlin Dün First Nation are open to public input. Any feedback on an application must be received by 5 p.m. on the date set for closure of public input.

Please submit all feedback to

Feedback should include:

  • the application number you’re submitting a comment on;
  • a clear and detailed description of your concerns or issues with the land application;
  • a copy of supporting documents, if any; as well as
  • your name, permanent mailing address, including postal code, as well as your email and phone number.

If you have any questions about the process, please contact the Heritage, Lands and Resources Department at 867-334-2624, or email


Open to Public Comment

Application Number: 2025-3-LU

Name of Applicant: Boreal Adventure Running Association

Type of application: Land Use Authorization

Public input open date: 14/02/2025

Public input close date: 28/02/2025

Application Summary: Applicant has applied for a land use authorization on KDFN settlement land R-4A in the Fish Lake/Bonneville area to host a running race on March 9th, 2025

The application can be found here

Application Status: Public Notice

Application Number: 2025-1-LU

Name of Applicant: William-O’Brien Burns

Type of application: Residential Allocation

Public input open date: 24/01/2025

Public input close date: 21/02/2025

Application Summary: Applicant has applied for a residential allocation to build a house on a 2-hectare lot on KDFN settlement land R-3A off the Two Horse Creek Road in the Annie Lake area.

A map of the application can be found here:

Application Status: Public Notice

Application Number: 2025-1-LU

Name of Applicant: Yukon Government Forest Management Branch

Type of application: Land Use Authorization

Public input open date: 24/01/2025

Public input close date: 07/02/2025

Application Summary:

Applicant has applied for a land use authorization to establish one National Forest Inventory sampling plot on each of KDFN settlement land R-14B in the Ibex Valley and R-27A in the Marsh Lake Area

A copy of the application can be found here

Application Status: Public Notice

Application Number: 2025-5-LU

Name of Applicant: Government of Yukon Dept. of Environment

Type of application: Land Use Authorization

Public input open date: 29/01/2025

Public input close date: 12/02/2025

Application Summary: Applicant has applied for a land use authorization on KDFN settlements land R-79B in the Ibex Valley to bait and trap mule deer as part of a population study. They plan to walk in from the highway and activities will run until March 23rd, 2025.

The application can be found here.

Application Status: Public Notice